Sunday, February 12, 2012

'Bear' in the road

we were on our way to a retreat, M.E. and i. the pick up truck in front of us was carrying a puppy in its bed, attached as it were to something in the bed by a leash. that leash was not strong enough to hold his curiosity and he managed to jump out of the bed. where he dangled for a few minutes, hitting the side of the truck, back and forth, until the leash gave way and the puppy landed in the middle lane of hwy 287. where he lay, helpless to move, to avoid the oncoming traffic.
his human family did not notice the incident. M.E. and i did - she pulled over and covered her eyes when she saw what was about to happen as he went over the bed wall. that's when i looked (though she told me not to) and saw him land.
we decided to do a brief ceremony over the poor, dead pup. so she pulled to the shoulder close to where he lay and we got out wondering how to get him from the highway to the shoulder where we planned to pray and make note of his transition. we got out of the car and stood for a minute, each of us not wanting to do what we each knew we were being called to do.
then the puppy raised his head and looked at us! such a hopeful look too. he was alive and he knew that we were going to help.
i follow what spirit tells me to do - that is the only explanation i have for this next part.
i stepped out into the lane closest to the shoulder and held up my hands saying calmly (in a voice that was not at all loud), "you all need to stop now please." i know the expression on my face must have conveyed what i was feeling - that it was urgent.
and if i did not so strongly believe in the power of intention and that God is surrounding me always with protection and love, i would never have done this.
and all the cars stopped. a young man got out. by then i was fully in the right lane and pointed to the animal telling the man we wanted to get him out of harm's way. he picked him up and gently brought him to the shoulder of the hwy, laying him down away from the traffic. then he left.
and the next 2 'angels' arrived; one came to help comfort him and the other called the nearest vet to tell them that we had no money but we had rescued this little guy and the vet said bring him in a.s.a.p.
we patted him and checked out his injuries which appeared pretty severe - head and leg mainly. he, himself, remained calm as did everyone who came up to assist. then his 'family' drove up - they had gone several miles before realizing the dog was gone. and the young man was very distraught. turns out they had just gotten him the day before and he was actually the man's wife's pup.
as he checked him out and the others got a blanket for him, we told him that the vet was expecting him. when the fellow called his name M.E. and i looked at each other and i said 'what did you call him?' Bear. the puppy's name was Bear.
for those who don't know, my 'medicine' name and the name i use in many situations is Bear. yeah. Serendipity...might be a good name too. 2 bears found each other in such a potentially tragic incident.
the little Bear and his folks headed off to the vet's and we -slowly and a bit dazed - got back into the car. for a bit we just sat. since we had no way to follow up, we do not know how Bear is doing. and, as there are so many potentialities, i am choosing the one in which he survives and lives a long, happy life. and he rides in the CAB of the truck now.
when i look back and see the event and watch myself stepping out into traffic like that, i have many emotions - one thought is 'are you crazy'? i also get a really pleasant, warm feeling in my heart.
we went on to have a wonderful retreat and i know i saw it through different eyes. the theme was "Compassion". of course.