Sunday, January 1, 2012

Andy's story

while i worked at the little pre-school i was privileged to witness and be a part of soooo many miracles (i can not think of another word to describe them)...i know some folks call synchronicity, 'coincidence'. i do not believe in coincidence. and that's ok that we may not agree; i just want to share my amazing life with you.

i met Andy when his mom brought him to us for a 'trial' day at school. the 4 year old had already been dismissed, kicked out, refused admission to several facilities and mom was very much at the end of her resources and nerves. when i first saw him he was running awkwardly towards the playground where my class was playing. and my first thought was 'oh it's Michael'.

now my boss had told me earlier that ANDY would be trying out my class. and of course when she told me he had been shuffled around so my heart opened to him. mom thanked us and said she fully understood if we had to call her to come get him. i touched her arm and said 'he'll be ok - don't worry'. her face changed just a tad and a few of lines smoothed out.

Andy had been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome - a sort of cousin to Autism but with it's own little quirks too. he was loud and boisterous and definitely a challenge to keep up with...but children (especially those whose boundaries and filters are 'different') pick up on truth so quickly and they really do know when they are safe.

Andy had to be reminded frequently of the rules and it was obvious that he was trying his hardest to follow them.

I was the one with the odd problem as i kept calling him Michael. he would just look at me and smile when i apologized. i asked the boss if she knew his middle name or any details and she had nothing other than emergency info - i think she did not really expect him to stay. we had worked together for a long time so i don't know why she would doubt that i would accept him into the fold.

anyway when mom arrived to pick him up he was reluctant to leave - he had had a great day (i was exhausted). mom was surprised when we told her that he was welcome at our school...literally close to tears.

and i just had to know - i told her i had been calling him Michael all day and before i could ask she said ' that's his middle name'. that made our connection that much more we had known each other a long time.

after Andy had been with us a few weeks he and i were coming up with ideas to help him calm himself when he got upset. i took him through a guided meditation using my hands to glide along his energy field and suggesting he see the color blue wrapping round him and loving him and he said, "Ms Linda, do you mean God?" of course i cried and he hugged me.

one day we were getting down for nap on the mats and Andy, moving too fast again, bashed his forehead against the door facing, hard. i immediately put one hand behind his head and the other right on the bruise that was already appearing. and Andy was very still, absorbing the light. then he said 'i think it's gone now'. i removed my hand and there was no hint of injury.

it was so hard to leave these little folks when i was recruited for another agency. Andy was particularly difficult. his mama told me that last day that in Andy's whole life there were 3 people who gave him unconditional love: herself, his granny, and me. i was speechless.

what do you do when angels come into your life? you treat them just like you do everyone else. and sometimes you recognize them right away, other times they slip in and out so quickly you miss it. i guess the best thing is to keep all your senses open and ready ... and be aware of the unconditional love that Spirit has for you.