Monday, August 1, 2011


it was my custom, back when i worked at a small pre-school that had a large playyard with many trees and little hills, to spend a portion of my lunch break meditating in that yard. sometimes sitting with poetry for inspiration. other times i would simply sit, close my eyes or just focus on one of the tiny wildflowers. often i would do walking meditations - that is just walking the perimeter of the yard quietly soaking in the nature and letting my mind be still. on one of these walks i came upon a really special butterfly.
she was perched vertically on the trunk of a tree and her wings, while not spread, appeared to be fluttering in an energy dance. i slowly and respectfully approached - the feeling those wings stirred in me was too much to ignore. i put my finger out tentatively to within an inch or so of her wings and the life-force that she emitted was tremendous. i felt the 'bzzz'ing go into my finger and up into my arm. i felt it in my heart.
i think we both became aware - the turquoise butterfly and i - at the same instant that we were very close to each other. i felt honored that i was given that opportunity. her instinct to flee though changed our connection and she flew away.
i sat on the bench under that tree and prayed a gratitude prayer that i had been gifted with that experience. and then i closed my eyes and went, without thought or forced intention, into a deep meditative state. i was keenly aware of where i was and i was very awake. i was also taking a beautiful trip.
i saw myself on the butterfly. i do not know whether she had grown to my size or i had shrunk to hers. i lay on her body with my arms outstretched on her wings. my head rested on hers. my feet were together at her other end. and we soared. at first it was like a wonderful ride on a mystical plane and then we became one. we melded together so that i did know (and did not care) if i was the butterfly or the butterfly was me. it did not matter.
we gracefully glided over the little yard and went up and over the fence watching as the school building became smaller and smaller. and i felt a peace i had not before felt. i felt that complete connection to all that was, is and ever will be.
and then i was back on my bench with a renewed spirit. and a butterfly song in my heart.